This round is shot using known distances. It consists of 28 targets based on 2 units of 14 targets with distances ranging from 9 to 55 meters.
The targets for this round are animal faces marked with two scoring areas and an X ring.
The IFAA round has a high score KILL AREA and a low score WOUND AREA.
The NFAA round has a high score KILL AREA and a low score WOUND AREA plus a one point bonus for the X Ring
The high scoring area is oblong while the low scoring area is the second area marked between the high scoring area and the outer body line.
1. The archer stands with the front foot against the marker or within 15 cm either side or behind, but never in front of the marker.
2. All markers for the Senior, Veteran, Adult and Young Adult distances shall be coloured yellow.
3. Of the 14 targets 8 are shot from a single position. The other 6 targets are known as “Walk-ups” where every arrow is shot from a different position.
4. Juniors (13-16 yrs) shall shoot Group 1 walk-up targets from the marker that is closest to the target coloured yellow & blue.
5. Shooting distances will be from 9 to 55 meters
6. The archer can shoot up to three arrows to score points. If the first arrow does not score then a second arrow can be shot and if that arrow does not score then a third arrow may be shot.
7. All arrows are to be clearly marked 1, 2 & 3 and must be shot in that order.
8. An archer may not return to shoot the other arrows if they have moved forward of the marker towards the target.
NFAA Animal Round Score Card (PDF)
IFAA Animal Round Score Card (PDF)
Download from google play' easy to change preset score values to suit round. 3D Score Buddy (Android)
* This is a Members only range – Members may be accompanied by no more than 2 non- member guests.
* Anyone under 14 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
* No more than 4 archers per target bale at one time.
* Always remain on the course path, do not cut across target ranges.
* Archers foot must be within 6” of either side or behind range marker.
* No cross-range shooting.
* Bows may be drawn only in the direction of the targets.
* All shooting will cease if any person is detected within the archer’s vision to the target and beyond.
* Do not touch any arrows until scoring is completed.
* Range finders are not permitted on the course, however binoculars of up to 8x power are allowed.
* No game or wildlife shall be shot on the club range at anytime.
* All shooting must be within designated shooting areas only.
* No broadheads shall be allowed on the range.